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Posted by:  Victoria

Oct 13, 2011

All of the RC viewers have been so encouraging (and so naughty), that we wanted to show some appreciation and have a bit of fun. Femme thought a brief retrospective might be in order to showcase "moi" over the years. Thinking about how over time (36 years and counting) a woman grows more "complex", more "mature" and full, yet subtle like a fine Bourdeaux or single malt. And nasty. Each photo is from a set which in its own right could be a contri. Fortunately I am running for political office so she won't have to meet the demands of some commenters to prove my age or cease and desist. I can state that when Femme slides into my core and our bellies meet, he usual utters some nonsense along the lines that I f**k like a teenager. I rather think I'm more like a slut .... Love to hear your thoughts on the subject ...... Victoria & Femme

All Comments (8)
  • user avatar
    Victoria and you for all of your posts from the past 12 years or so. Yours are the best, the completeness of your shots, the thought behind the accessories, jewelry, hosiery, eye contact (my favorite)....Lord, I miss you.
  • user avatar
    You are a Goddess of eroticism ...
  • user avatar
    Just fucked my fist !!!
  • user avatar
    Don't get me wrong, while fucking as a teenager was wonderful, to say the least, it really couldn't hold a candle to fucking later in life.
  • user avatar
    You are one absolutely beautiful woman with body and legs to match!
  • user avatar
    That's one big pussy!
  • user avatar
    I could suck on your pussy all day long!Such a beautiful woman.
  • user avatar
    Thanks to all of you XX Victoria mizvicky1478@