Posted by: car385
Mar 29, 2010
My wife was horny and sent me several pics as proof, as seen in 1-3. I hurried home to find that her "lover" had come to play. She eagerly took him in her mouth, and begged for him to fuck her. Her "lover" did just that, over and over again. I don't believe she has ever had so many O's in one session! After a while, she could not stand having me just snapping pics, and beckoned me to fuck her mouth. Sorry, no pics of that. I had a hard time controlling myself, let alone a camera also. After slurping my seed, it was my turn to fuck her while she again took her lover in her mouth. Geez, is she insatiable! Anyhow, no, we can't show the face. PERIOD. Yes, we had to color block the background. If you don't like, don't look, or bother commenting. My wife, 36 years old, belives that her looks have diminished over the years. I disagree. Unfortunatley breastfeeding our children did take its toll on her breasts, and she desperately wants new ones so she can feel sexy again. What do you think? Help bolster her self esteem! If she enjoys the comments, we will post the remainder of this session.
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