Stcl - Sharing Is Caring
Posted by: STCL_and_HUbby
Sep 17, 2010
STCL's hubby here, posting pics of my slutty wife for all to enjoy (as I have been enjoying all the other contributors to the site - my dick is raw because it's THAT time of month here). SO... I thought I would post these without STCL's input, since nature clamped down on the poontane. STCL was wondering the other day if she is 'known' all around the world, so I told her I would find out. If you like what my wife does for me, leave a nice comment and tell us what country and state you're in, please, it would be cool to know. Also, I'm going to whore her out again in a few weeks. If you can be in Houston on a Friday or Saturday afternoon and you want to cum all over STCL's face, leave your email address with your comment. These pics prove she shows in all ways possible. Here's where STCL would say 'kisses' or whatever, but I don't want to kiss you - in fact STOP JERKING OFF TO MY WIFE, WANKERS!
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