STCL - Prostitute 2 of 3
Posted by: STCL_and_HUbby
Jan 8, 2014
NOTE - This Theme is a Fantasy - Back again, Ball-Bouncer? In this episode, we find our heroine to hustle her ass on the street for spare change. She’s been picked up and taken home by a horny old geezer who has underpaid her for her services, but she can’t complain. She’s learned that disappointed perverts are capable of doing ANYthing to bust a nut, so like a big ol’ Mississippi leg hound, she has wisely decided to simply let him finish as quickly as possible to avoid a beating. Will she survive this degrading, humiliating sexual exploitation to return to her sordid corner in the city? Or will she wind up defaced as well as debased to the point that she can no longer work by pleasing the many pigs that surround her? Stay tuned, Pud-whackers, and watch for part three of this disgusting but exciting adventure in Penetration-land!
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