Joola In The Cat House
Posted by: saunders
Mar 17, 2009
Saunders is getting kinkier the more my pics show on this site....he got in touch with some guys who wanted to take sexy pics of me, guys who had made nice comments, and a single neighbour of ours who I had sex with at Christmas, an old guy, and some guy from the garage who takes pics...and arranged to meet us in our downtown bar. 6 guys turned up and were, I think, disappointed when they saw me not glammed up, my day dress on, no make up, hair tied up.We all had a few and played pool....they got more excited when it was clear i was pantie-less. Saunders, as a surprise for me, booked us in at the local cathouse, he knows the bring the 6 guys have more at the bar there, whilst I got made up for the photo on
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The guys seemed a little disappointed!
Damon: Your shooting for the wrong balls Joola!