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Daphne & A Friend - "Truth Or Dare"?

Posted by: dt

Aug 9, 2009

Last night I was hanging out with one of my girlfriends and we were trying to fugure out something that we could do, especially since we were both feeling kind of like we wanted to get off a few times. Our boyfriends were both out of town and so they weren't going to be of any immediate help to us. Then we came up with the idea of placing an online personals ad and see if there was anyone up for playing a game or two of "Truth Or Dare" with us. We love this game. We were swamped with replies. After going through a lot of replies, including the two of us, we ended up with 5 women and 3 guys to play this fun game last night.Once the game started it sure didn't seem like it took that long at all for almost all of us to be completely naked or very close to it. I think that I was the second person to be completely nude. Several events last night stood out as being really fun and one was a "dare" that I received, which was to get one of the guys off and to be photographed while it was occurring. I rarely turn down "dares" and I didn't turn this dare down this time either. It was a lot of fun and very exciting. I didn't know him at all before meeting him last night, but I sure "knew" him, so to speak, by the end of the evening. He was this incredibly nice older guy, who was very good looking, sensual, sexy, gentle, and he knew how to turn me on. I also like older guys, because their usually much more together than guys my own age. They, also, almost always have a LOT more of experience in satisfying women compared to younger men. That was certainly true last night. Anyway, I got him off while being photographed and I won the "dare". Attached are some of the photos that were taken of me getting him off. It was a lot of fun...more so that I had ever thought that it would be. It also got me very hot and wet. Then once this "dare" was over, he asked me if he could do something really nice to me. I nodded my head and he then rolled me over and began to gently kiss me all over my body...everywhere...! My nipples got incredibly hard and I was very wet too. My lips parted in an inviting way, which they always do when I am really hot. Then he went down on me and ate my pussy for what seemed like hours. Remember all of this was going on with other people watching! Then he slipped a Kimono on his cock and plunged it deep inside of me. I thought that it was going to go right through me and I was going to explode. I did explode...I came at least 5 or more times and he was rock hard while all of this was going on. Then after I had cum for the 5th or so time, he slid off his Kimono and I took him into my mouth. He moaned some and after a short while I could sense his cock hardening even more just before he was going to cum. Then just before he was going to pop, I pulled his cock out of my mouth and he came all over my face. His cum was everywhere and there was a lot of it, which is surprising since he had just cum earlier when I got him off. Some of his cum and shot into my open mouth and it tasted really good...sweet...not bitter. I wiped his cum off of my face and put some of it in my mouth. It tasted so good that several of the other girls asked if they could have some. They licked some up off of my face. They liked it too. Another interesting happened last night...there were photos taken of us while he was doing me. I don't remember any photos being taken at the time, because I was so incredibly hot and turned on. I must have been really "out of it" or maybe I should say "into it", so to speak. But, I saw the photos later and their hot. I can post some of these pics too later on, if there is enough favorable interest in seeing them.We often get together with friends and strangers to play "Truth Or Dare". It's a fun way to connect with old friends and, also, a really great way to meet some new friends...like this older guy that I got off last night and who later really got me off too. I definitely plan to see him again, which won't be be a problem at all, because I'm in an open relationship and my bf and I can do pretty much whatever we want to do with the individual and/or group of people that we are hooking up and playing with. If any of you are ever in the San Francisco Bay Area please feel free to contact me. It would be fun to have you join us for a game of "Truth Or Dare". If you are interested please contact us asap before your trip here so that we have time to coordinate everything in advance. That way it will all "cum off" as planned vs. waiting to the last minute and then risk it not happening, because there wouldn't be enough time to schedule the game, invite some friends and new people over, etc. You get the picture. If interested, leave your email address in the "Comments" section and let us know when you are planning to be in the San Francisco Bay Area and also any other info. about yourself that you'd like us to know. Also, even if you aren't going to be visiting here for a while, leave us a message anyway and we can get back to you with our email addresses, etc. That way when you are ready to make your trip here, you can email us and then you we can coordinate things so that everything will be ready to go when you are here so you can play with us. Women are most definitely encouraged to reply and play this game with us. If you're a woman and interested in just having an all woman's game of "Truth Or Dare", we can easily do that too. We do that all of the time. Women are beautiful and they are fun to play with too...a lot of fun...almost as much fun as men are - ha-ha! Anyway, enjoy and let me know what you think...I'm interested in hearing from you.

It's me!

Damon: You like to play the game do you Daphne?

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