M* Barely Brave
Jul 7, 1999
Hey Kate! I've been a fan/viewer for about 2 months and a subscriber to RedClouds for all of 11 days. I really enjoy all the great pics other people send in. Your site proves that you don't have to have a perfect body to have a sexy body. I've sat here at my 'puter and stroked off to some women that I wouldn't have looked twice at on the street. Seeing the average women and the brave (foolish?) guys that have made contri's to your site has given me the courage to submit some of myself. Sure was a lot of work for such a simple thing! Using the camcorder live didn't seem to produce as good of a pic. Maybe I just needed more light or something. Due to AOL's incapability to send multiple files at once, I'll have to send my 6 pics one at a time. Can you please blur my face? Oh, and also put them in the order as they are numbered? You can call these "Barely Brave". Maybe with encouragement from the ladies on the BB and some suggestions for some solo pics, I'll make some new contri's and send them to RedClouds! Thanks!
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Damon: ..another for the ladies....