Victoria Again: Countdown
Posted by: Victoria & Femme Guy
Oct 13, 2011
All of the RC viewers have been so encouraging (and so naughty), that we wanted to show some appreciation and have a bit of fun. Femme thought a brief retrospective might be in order to showcase "moi" over the years. Thinking about how over time (36 years and counting) a woman grows more "complex", more "mature" and full, yet subtle like a fine Bourdeaux or single malt. And nasty. Each photo is from a set which in its own right could be a contri. Fortunately I am running for political office so she won't have to meet the demands of some commenters to prove my age or cease and desist. I can state that when Femme slides into my core and our bellies meet, he usual utters some nonsense along the lines that I f**k like a teenager. I rather think I'm more like a slut .... Love to hear your thoughts on the subject ...... Victoria & Femme
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